Saturday, August 31, 2019

Important assignment in History Class Essay

Reading: â€Å"Rules for Peasant Life in Japan-1619† In the â€Å"Rules for Peasant Life in Japan-1619,† the society is ruled by an authoritarian leader. Social inequality existed, wherein strong social and class differences among people were identified and reinforced through laws. Peasants were considered as people from â€Å"lowly origin† (Kanetaugu, 306). They were also expected to earn for their families, to pay their taxes, and to contribute to other public obligations. The ruling body was malevolent, because when peasants could not pay their taxes, they take away the peasants’ wives. The ruling class also indicated that they may do whatever they wish with these women, a clear sign of threat to the peasants. The ruling party even included that the elite can rape these women, and yet the peasants would be the ones, who would suffer because of tarnished images. In 1916 Japan, there was no gender quality, because women, who were found to have extramarital affairs, were immediately exiled, even when the proof was merely because they had excessive amount of tea reserves. At the same time, women were mandated to take care of their men and their basic needs, the whole day, as if they were slaves to their men. For instance, daughters and wives were required to â€Å"sew and weave China-grass† clothing for their men (Kanetaugu, 305). Wives and daughters should also serve their male family members and massage their feet afterwards. They must do the bidding of their male family members. Hence, this is a society remarked by authoritarian leadership, social inequality, and gender inequality. Reading: â€Å"The Declaration of the Rights of Women by Olympe de Gouges, 1791. † Olympe de Gouges (1791) describes a gender-equal social climate. It is a climate that allowed women to freely express their opinions and to fill public positions. It is also a climate that made women responsible for their errors. De Gouges is not asking for women to be exempted from the law. Instead, she states in Article VII: â€Å"No woman is an exemption†¦Women, like men, obey this rigorous law† (de Gouges, 416). For her, women are also strong enough to be held accountable for their mistakes. She also depicts a benign ruler, who will protect and advance equal rights and treatment for men and women. She also believes that sovereignty depends on the people, and on its most basic foundation, the â€Å"union of woman and man,† or in other words, the family (de Gouges, 416). This indicates libertarian views, wherein the voice of the people reigns supreme. de Gouges also demands public transparency of taxes and activities in Articles XIII and IX. Finally, de Gouges depicts a world, wherein men and women are equal in every regard. For her, women should not be given preferential treatment because of their gender, and at the same time, they must enjoy the same rights and opportunities for growth as men. Hence, the state must ensure that men and women both possess the rights to liberty, security, property, and protection from oppression. Reading: â€Å"Program for Cuba by Fidel Castro- 1956. † Fidel Cuba espouses a social climate that is based on socialism. Through socialism, the oppressed sectors that he identified- the unemployed, farm laborers, industrial workers, small farm workers, underpaid teachers and professionals, and small businesspeople- would be given the full right to change or abolish the Constitution, and free themselves from traditional social, political, and economic obstacles, through following the Five Revolutionary Laws. The ruling body is benign to the underprivileged sectors, whom Castro felt had been used by the politicians and companies to make profits out of their lives. The benign ruler also confiscates lands for large landowners to be distributed to all â€Å"planters, non-quota planters, lesses, share-croppers, and squatters who hold parcels of five caballerias of land or less† (Castro, 556). This ruler also ensures that workers are handsomely paid for their services, by having the right to share 30% of the profits of companies. The Fourth Revolutionary Law also provides fifty-percent share for laborers involved in sugar production. Hence, Castro aims to change the ownership of and access to the forces of production, so that the poor can improve the quality of their lives. Women were not particularly mentioned in this reading. Still, Castro also did not differentiate women from male workers and professionals. It is inferred that Castro also envisioned equality of the sexes, wherein men and women can finally have the resources that they need, in order to feel like real human beings, who can genuinely pursue self-development.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analysis of the Preindustrial, Industrial, and Postindustrial Societies Essay

There are many types of societies, but three of the most prevalent types are the preindustrial, industrial, and postindustrial. The preindustrial society is very limited by its agricultural focus. Industrial societies use advances in technology and mass production to support a large population with three distinct social classes. In postindustrial societies the focus shifts from mass production to technological innovation. Preindustrial societies are primarily agricultural, and because of this there is little variation of social classes. The production of goods was limited by the agricultural nature of these societies, which left little time for much else. Due to a lack of fast communication between communities, the cultures didn’t mix and any technological advancement was not shared. Agricultural based societies were replaced with industrial societies which were based on the use of machines to produce goods. Industrial societies are constantly changing thanks to technological innovations, so fast communication is essential. People started living in cities and urban areas, and began working specialized jobs. New medical technology and improved living conditions extended life expectancy. Family became less important, and the influence that religion once had started to diminish. In postindustrial societies the sale of goods is replaced by services as the main form of economic activity. Knowledge becomes essential as innovation begins to drive the economy. The value of the blue-collar worker declines, as the value of skilled professionals increases. These are the three most widespread types of society. The preindustrial society relies on agriculture. Industrial societies use advancements to support a large population with specialized workers. Postindustrial societies focus technological innovation to run the economy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Deafness Disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Deafness Disability - Essay Example While the mother of great inventor, Alexander Graham Bell was hard of hearing sine her birth, he used his earned funds to develop a school, called Volta Bureau, to teach deaf children. He also pursued actively the occupation of a deaf educator during late 1800s. People have used Different terminologies to define disability related with hearing impairments. For example, ‘deafened’ means the person who has acquired deafness later in life. While, ‘hearing impairment’ is a medical term, ‘hard of hearing’ is a sociological term. ‘Signing deaf’ is a term for deaf people who communicate using sign language.(Terminology, nd) Before describing this disability, it is essential to mention the difference between deafness and hearing impairment. While common sense provides the definition of being deaf as not being able to hear anything, the hearing impairment or hard of hearing means the ability to hear only partially. However, the fact that deaf people carry the residual hearing ability gives a new dimension to this definition. Accordingly, the physiological definition of deafness relates to the level of sound that the particular person is able to hear. This hearing sensitivity is normally described in terms of ‘decibels’ (dB). This level of sensitivity starts with zero as the perfect detection of an average person to hair faintest sound. The numbers above the zero level indicate the degree of hearing impairment. According to physiological intervention, people with hearing impairment of 90dB or above are considered as deaf and people with less than 90db hearing sensitivity level are considered ‘hard of hearing’. However, there is yet another viewpoint that relates the degree of hearing impairment with the impact it may have on speaking and developing a language, particularly in case of children. Accordingly, educators define a person as deaf who is not able to process, through audition, the linguistic information,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

British American Tobacco Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British American Tobacco - Coursework Example A negative externality is generated by an action when it imposes a cost on someone else who had no control over the action. Types of externalities. The common externality attributed to cigarette smoking is the economic cost of health care to non-smokers as well as to smokers themselves. Another externality is the health effects of environmental smoke to non smokers and to their families. Report of CDC (2010) said that premature deaths and smoke related diseases in nonsmokers were caused by second hand smoke. Smoking also pollutes the air environment, the lands, and water. Air is polluted by chemicals in the cigarette which is breathed out, cigarette butts end in the grounds and inevitably flushed in the water. The costs related to health maintenance and cleaning of the environment are negative externalities attributed to cigarette and tobacco. 2. Production process and what type of externalities are produced in each process Tobacco production starts with purchase of about 400,000 ton s of tobacco leaf yearly from farmers coming from the emerging economies. Negative externalities in tobacco production are: ground water pollution from fertilizer use, deforestation, food contamination and farm worker exposure to toxic chemicals from pesticide use, water and energy use, and fires caused by cigarette smoking. A positive externality is also produced such as social cost that includes income benefits to agriculture, farmers and families and competitive advantage of production of emerging countries. The second process in cigarette and tobacco production is the manufacturing process done through 50 factories in 41 countries. Once the processed leaf arrives at the factory, it is checked for quality and blending, and the rest of the activity are fully automated and no longer done by hand. Quality control is top priority and tracking of production is done by computers (BAT). As new technology is introduced in the manufacturing process, reduction of employment is necessary an d some machines are rendered obsolete. Negative externality produced in the manufacturing is the loss of income due to cost reduction of the company and the cost of machines that have to be destroyed. Policy of BAT is to destroy old machines to prohibit counterfeit of cigarettes. 3. How does government try to control externalities? Government tries to control externalities of tobacco and cigarette consumption thru policies and regulations. Government uses production taxes, consumption taxes, restriction, quota and subsidies to agricultural products. The government is often called upon to intervene in the market to resolve externality problems. Government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency are established to set and enforce air quality standards, and taxes are imposed to obtain fund to pay for external costs or subsidize external benefits. The United States has imposed an increase of excise tax that took effect July, 2010, with some states charging low, and others t oo high (NCSL, 2010). 4. Are the externalities controlled effectively? Are there other ways other externality could be? controlled. Under an unregulated market where there is no control, firms maximize their profits, but subsequent problems arise due to externalities. Under this condition, government intervention is needed to bring back

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

ICT Environmental Risks in Russia Research Paper

ICT Environmental Risks in Russia - Research Paper Example The commanding heights The commanding heights: The Battle for the World Economy is a novel by Stanislaw and Yergin was initially published in 1998. The volume was then changed to a documentary under the same name and then produced via DVD. Commanding Heights tries to trail the development of liberated markets in the previous century, plus the globalization process. The novel attributes the genesis of the expression commanding heights to a language by Vladimir Lenin referring to the control of perceived key segments of a national economy (Yergin & Stanislaw, 2002). The Russian Revolution in the period of 1917 highlighted a substitute exemplar to market entrepreneurship and capitalism, and the Great Depression of the period of 1930’s destabilized faith in trades. The Market was in recoil almost in the entire globe by the untimely 1940’s, and did not just happen in the communist bloc. The Labor Party in United Kingdom nationalized almost all of the economy, a majority of t he third world trailed a socialist trend, and the US followed a strategy of extensive government directive of business. Moreover, government subjugated markets during the 1970’s were languishing and deteriorated. Margaret Thatcher is among the championed personalities of Commanding Heights, who was a primary vehicle in regenerating the economy, which was not only in Britain. Stanislaw and Yergin debate the vitality of philosophies: John Keynes with his domineering theories were overriding from the period of 1930’s, but in the after times of the 20th century, economy activists like Friedrich von Hayek and his teammates at the Chicago University have the best debate.The writers depict absence in certification that the economy’s victory is going to be forever. Ecological... The paper tells that application of Information Communication Technologies has had a significant impact in the various economies within Russian environment. These effects are negative or positive considering their impact on the environment. For instance, the second order effects have a positive impact on the design and process of various products and related products in Russia. However, there are uncertainties that relate to the third order effects on this environment. Such uncertainties are experienced in aggregate demand of products, symphony of economic development and consumer behavior. Uncertainty in development is viewed in terms of determining materialization in various industries within the economy. Many of the gains made may negatively influence the environment, and it requires that there be a balance between gains made and the impact on the environment. Once this is neglected, new forms of consumption may come up and would lead to new environmental problems. These problems may be a burden to the economy, and the people found within such environment. Some of these problems may not be easily controlled, and this may lead to national disasters within the Russian environment. There is a need to monitor and evaluate the gains associated with ICT driven productivity in Russian environment economies. This will facilitate evaluation of environmental performance of economies in terms of their industries. For instance, the OECD would be used to formulate a framework that would be used for monitoring performance of economies.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Macbeth Act 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Macbeth Act 3 - Coursework Example Explain Macbeth does see Fleance as a threat to his throne as, according to witches’ prophecies, Banquo’s sons will rule the country. However, he does not see the bay as a threat yet – the boy is too small. Macbeth is more afraid of the boy’s father – Banquo. 3. Do you feel any sympathy at all for Lady Macbeth as she talks about her "doubtful joy" in scene 2? Explain. It is a pathetic sight – a queen, having no joy in life, because the way she got what she wanted was so wrong. She lives in fear that their guilt will be discovered.   Nought's had, all's spent, /  Where our desire is got without content; /'Tis safer to be that which we destroy / Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy. (3.2.6-9) Her life is empty and she even envies the king Duncan - she says it is â€Å"safer† to be in his place. On the other hand we do understand that she suffers greatly because of her own evil choice. Her ill conscience and a lack of joy is the sad consequence of the conspiracy and murder she took a part in. She finds no peace either during the day, nor can she sleep peacefully at night. 4. Quote and explain a line in this scene which helps develop the theme of sleeplessness. The theme of sleeplessness started back in the act 2 when Macbeth murdered the king. He heard the voice then: â€Å"Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor /Shall sleep no more.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Public Health Seminar unit 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public Health Seminar unit 8 - Research Paper Example The quest motif is therefore used in the film. The character of plastic bag represents the victim, the weak or vulnerable character who succumbed to the forces of the world (Silverblatt, Ferry & Finan, 2009, p. 194) such as the monsters (animals), winds, rains, and tides and who needs the protection of an outside agent such as his maker. The images are used as an art through mythical symbols that provide clues and cues for the viewer. For instance, water and air (primal elements of nature) has been used in the film. Water may symbolize the birth of the plastic bag in the pacific vortex for he found his belongingness for objects like him, death because of possible destruction from tides, and purity of his love for his maker. On the other hand, the air may represent his freedom and an accompanying force towards the achievement of his goal. The film is symbolic in nature and I can relate to the story because it deals with the meaning of life, contentment, and happiness. Moral dilemma ma y be present depending on the interpretation of viewer. For instance, I think that the plastic bag’s need to belong will give him happiness but it turned out in the ending that death would give him happiness. If we would apply it in reality, does this film encourage euthanasia or suicide when the situation provokes, even if it is against the morality of the society? This is because the film addressed happiness both in terms of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Number 1A,1948 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Number 1A,1948 - Assignment Example This paper addresses art in the context of what the audience sees in art, the functions of art, and the broader meaning of art. An analysis of the painting named Number 1A, 1948 by Jackson Pollock will be very fundamental. In understanding the functions of art, we ought to analyze the thinking and intentions of the artists at the time of creating the art. We also need to consider the timing and the meaning that the audience derives from the piece of art. Otherwise, the society misunderstands art by taking art out of context. The institutional art concept asserts that an artist has the freedom to make art what they decide it to become since art relates to everything within an artistic context. Arguably, this assertion leads to complexities and uncertainties in defining the meaning and functions of art within the industry and outside the artistic context. For example, artists could not agree on whether the â€Å"drip† paintings by Jackson Pollock (American, 1912-1956) depict real art. Considering that, art has many benefits it worth seeking an understanding on the relationship between art, audience, artists, and they type of art. The meaning of art has evolved with time from the classical meaning, renaissance meaning, post-renaissance meaning, the early 20th century meaning, and postmodernism and the meaning of art. Indeed, the classical definition of art emanated from a Latin word that meant skill or craft, which defined the original meaning of artwork. However, the meaning of art evolved during the renaissance to the post-renaissance period that depicted a separation between fine art and other arts by the end of the 19th century.1 The new meaning of art manifested the moral standards in Europe at the time. The meaning of art during the early 20th century entailed the effects of Cubism that influenced the development of fine art. During this period, Picasso

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Poetry - Essay Example Despite his mother’s protestations and desire to spend their insurance cheque on a house which would greatly benefit the family as a whole, Walter is adamant that he invest the money, and does so despite these familial objections. His sister wants to spend money on tuition for medical school as it is her dream to become a doctor, but he even mocks this as she is a woman and he cannot see the merits of spending the money in this way. Walter reflects the view in the 1950s that women should stay at home and only men should be educated, an obstacle his sister must constantly fight against. Though he does dream of his son going to college, this is still a selfish dream as he appears to think that this will reflect favourably on himself. The conflict the family experience due to their different dreams, is a major theme. The character of Walter as the protagonist of the play is also the most interesting in my opinion as he also serves as a form of antagonist. Many of the plays themes and plot developments centre on Walter while it is also as a result of Walters weaknesses and actions which cause the family further adversity and problems. Walters character goes through a significant transformation through the play. At the beginning he is portrayed as weak, selfish, materialistic and belligerent, while by the end of the play his selfishness seems to have waned as he puts the needs of his family ahead of his own. In doing so, he gives the play its structure and reflects the conflict and tensions which were relevant at the time. The character of Walter is introduced to the audience as a man of weakness and selfishness and several of the social and economic obstacles faced by the Younger family are manifested in Walters attitude. Though Walter admits that he wants the best for his family, his version of having the best is utterly materialistic and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Workforce Effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workforce Effectiveness - Essay Example Thus in doing his job, the human resources manager is supposed to be aware of why and how he/she is supposed to carry out his duties. In order to be effective the manager needs to be highly motivated, realistic and visionary among many other characteristics. In developing a security policy organization wise the human resources manager will have to address the issue of constraints on the behavior of workers as well as the constraints imposed on the adversaries by mechanisms such as locks, walls, doors, keys etc. In terms of systems, the security policy is supposed to address constraints related to functions and flow among them. Thus, constraints on access by adversaries and external systems including access to data and programs by un-authorized persons will have to be addressed. The communication system should be highly advanced to prevent illegal tapings on the organizations employees. This would be to protect not only the organizations employees but also the organizations information. This is because this being a call-center business the level of external communication will definitely have to be higher as compared to normal businesses. To safeguard the premises as well as the employee's physical safety, the human resources manager will have to setup a scanning process for all person... In doing this there will be a need for all visitors to explicitly, identify themselves. In addition, the visitors will have to be given visitors passes that can only open doors in the specific floor they are going. In addition to this, employees will have to be issued with gate passes that clearly identify who went where and how. To prevent software, information, or data theft all computers would have to be fitted with biometric mousse. This will limit the number of people who can use certain workstations. To top this up all employees should be scanned for the luggage's they bring in and out to prevent theft of office and organizational tools and information. 3) Parking safety: The parking system should be such that it is clearly visible from the monitoring center. Additionally all vehicles entering the employees parking should be officially registered with the security team and in addition all vehicles parked either at the employees parking or the visitors parking should always be checked to make sure no unwanted materials are smuggled inside the premises. 4) The central locking system: The central locking system should be well programmed to make sure that it gives details of all persons still not logged out from their workstations and floors at their supposed time of business closure. This will go a long way in preventing the actions of certain employees or visitors remaining in the offices at times when they are not supposed to be there. 5) Localized digital monitoring: To ensure maximum internal and external surveillance of the work place, there is need to set up a digital system of video surveillance. This system will have to be operational on a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Roman Empire Culture Essay Example for Free

Roman Empire Culture Essay Wikipedias entry on the Fall of the Roman Empire is a comprehensive and multifaceted survey of the scholarship which seeks to indicate a certain period or event or series of events which caused the fall of the Roman Empire. One of the main differences between the Wikipedia entry and a traditional encyclopedia entry is the extensive analysis with which the Wikipedia entry is able to devote to sub-sections and sub-theories under the general banner of discussion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The question of assigning a specific date for the fall occupies a great deal of the Wikipedia article. The traditional date acknowledged is September 4, 476 when Romulus Augustus, Emperor of the Western Empire, was deposed by Odoacer. But the Eastern Empire continued until the fall of Constantinople nearly a century later in 1453. Other dates in contention are 395, the year of the death of Theodosius, the last time the Empire was united; the crossing of the Rhine by Germanic tribes in 406 after the withdrawal of the legions to battle Alaric I; or the disintegration of the western legions following the death of Stilicho in 408. Many scholars disdain the term â€Å"fall†, preferring to describe what was happening as a â€Å"complex transformation†.   The Wikipedia entry while seeming to dwell inordinately on a specific time or date of the fall is in actuality providing the researcher with a varied primer on the myriad theories which attend the question of historical dates of the Roman Empires fall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though the tone of the Wikipedia entry is scholarly, the lengthy digressions and somewhat scattered patterns of information make the entry less streamlined than a typical encyclopedia entry. In addition, the numerous off-site links and cross-references can prove to be distractive. And although the Wikipedia entry itself closely resembles scholarly writing there can be no assurance regarding the veracity of off-site links.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most obvious bias that is apparent in the Wikipedia entry is resounding insistence that there is a date of collapse for the Roman Empire. The entry cites Edward Gibbon who argues the Roman population lost its way by allowing the Germanic tribes and other barbarian mercenaries a greater role in defending its interests. Gibbon claims Christianity was a contributing factor as well, turning the populations attention to other-worldly as opposed to here-and-now events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rather than examine contradictory theories in detail, the Wikipedia entry consumjes most of its energy revealing the survey of theories which argue for a date of collapse for the Roma Empire.   Wikipedia surveys the   â€Å"Pirenne Thesis†, wherein Henri Pirenne argued the Empire continued until the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, which disrupted Mediterranean trade routes and depressed the European economy. Pirenne sees the crowning of the Frankish King Charlemagne as the first Holy Roman Emperor in 800 as a continuation of the Empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But it is J. B. Bury’s contention in his â€Å"History of the Later Roman Empire†which receives critical attention in the Wikipedia article. His theory is that what amounted to a â€Å"perfect storm† of events combined to spell the downfall of the Empire:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *Economic decline   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *Germanic expansion in the population and military   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *De-population of Italy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *The treason of Stilicho   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *The murder of Aetius and the lack of a leader to replace him   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bury says the Empire could have survived any of these events separately, but could not overcome the convergence of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Carroll Bark’s â€Å"Origins of the Medieval World† reasons that basic economics was the Empire’s undoing. As a pre-cursor to feudalism, the tenant farmer’s obligation was to pay a fixed assessment of taxes on his grain supply. The oppressive taxes kept the farmers impoverished and unlikely to move into the more prosperous middle class. In fact, what middle class there was was forced to become collectors of the taxes for the inefficient central government. Government coffers suffered as a result. Also, the scarcity of gold late in the Empire made matters worse. Inflation of the currency in relation to its value in gold resulted in more people demanding payment in gold. The government’s cash-flow problems required them to seek cheaper mercenaries as defenders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Radovan Richta says technology contributed to the Empire’s demise. The Germanic invention of the horseshoe and use of the new Chinese compass allowed mercenaries quicker access to Roman defenses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Arnold Toynbee and James Burke also examine economic causes at the root of the Empire’s fall. The Romans had no budgetary system and wasted available resources as a result. The economy was basically based on plunder rather than production of new goods, and that declined along with territorial expansion. Landowners were exempt from taxation, making revenue production inefficient and unfair. The middle-class, the backbone of any free economy, was nearly non-existent. Exports were scarce. Military and bureaucratic costs increased. In overthrowing Romulus Augustus, the barbarian conqueror Odoacer assumed neither the title nor the responsibility of governance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William H. McNeill in â€Å"Plagues and Peoples† notes a 20-year-long plague in the late second century killed half of Europe’s population. The reduced tax base was unable to support the government and military and the resultant economic and social decline also killed the Empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Further theories of the cause of collapse proliferate through the Wikipedia article. So much so that one begins to feel that each sub-section of the article has been contributed by an enthusiast of that particularly pet-theory, sacrificing a general tone of scholarship for a tone of   specificity and personal   expertise. Examples of this include Wikipedias survey of Peter Heathers theory: that the threat posed by the Sassanid Persian Empire has been overlooked as a cause for the Roman Empires fall. He used archaeological evidence to suggest the Romans were stretched militarily by their preoccupation with the Persians, allowing a succession of Huns, Goths, and Germanic barbarians access to their territory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A researcher who is searching for a very good primer regarding the abundance of theories which exist in scholarship to examine the historicism of the Roman Empires fall will find excellent information in the Wikipedia article, as a general and unverified outline of the scholarship. However, a deep-researcher would probably find the entry inconsistent, erratic, and of little value for serious scholarship as a go-to source; rather the Wikipedia seems to serve better as a thumbnail sketch of info and links to other sources of potential value. REFERENCE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Fall of the Roman Empire. Retrieved from the Internet March 16, 2007.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Security and Vulnerabilities of Browser Applications

Security and Vulnerabilities of Browser Applications Hi friends, I would like to discuss the system vulnerabilities, relevant CVE identifiers, cyber security solution and some of common findings I encountered while using browser applications. System vulnerabilities are weaknesses benefits the attackers to introduce the malware and other threats to the system. These threats are harmful to softwares and internet applications and which are mitigated by various security mechanisms and procedures. Both hardware and software are vulnerable to various threats and appropriate security measures are needed to be addressed. Cross site scripting is vulnerability which may be initially designed in a legal way.ÂÂ   The attacker efficiently carries out something malicious mission in users browser while unexpectedly visiting of fake URL. For instance, the malicious script which possesses XSS bugs will be executed in the context of a website. In order to run malicious JavaScript code in users browser, the attacker manipulates a use to site the webpage with injected JavaScript play load. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE): It is a dictionary of common names for cyber security vulnerabilities. The products and services well-suited with CVE provide better exposure, interoperability and improved protection. TheÂÂ   following are the list of recent vulnerabilities through cross site scripting in CVE database. eClinicalWorks Patient Portal 7.0 build 13 was designed on January 27, 2017. The common vulnerability identifier is 95835 and entry is CVE-2017-5599. This was encountered with cross site scripting vulnerability which affects the page within the patient portal. The socially manipulated play load executed within the patient portal javascript page without any authentication. This vulnerability pulls out important information or attacks users browser. The CVE entries are CVE-2016-4256, CVE-2016-4257, CVE-2016-4258, CVE-2016-4259, CVE-2016-4260, CVE-2016-4261, CVE-2016-4262, CVE-2016-4263, CVE-2016-6980. Cyber security measures and solutions for the above vulnerabilities: The security measures like add plug in antivirus or firewall software applications in the browser can scan incoming and outgoing data traffic, scanning analysis of suspicious files and malicious applications protect the personal information and online transactions and protection against the untrusted wifi. The vulnerabilities discovered in my system/common findings: When I opened the manipulated URL, the payload executed within my browser without any authentication. This lead to infection and entry Xs bugs into my system. The system vulnerabilities discovered are: a) Cross site scripting lead attack on browser applications and operating system b) Unauthentically accessed the personal/sensitive information c) Entry of malicious applications and bugs References: Response1 Hi I like extend the discussion of System Vulnerabilities-Adobe flash player and security concerns. Adobe flash player is an application used to generate graphics, animations, browser games, rich internet applications, desktop applications and mobile games. Till now, Adobe has more than 94 Vulnerabilities. I like to mention some of the cyber security solutions which improve the protection of adobe flash player such as periodical update of software and always using cyber security tools with multilayer protection. Mostly, the cyber criminal hack the default chrome plugins like Adobe flash player. The recent security improvements made by experts in Night watch cyber security team in AIR software development to help their customers and solve the issues. The Adobe AIR security facilitate controlled environment for the unfaithful websites and running other applications from various resources. Responses 2: Hello Avinash, I would like to mention the advanced versions of IBM Web sphere applications designed with security functions. These IBM WSA version7, V8, V 8.5 are prone to the attacker and prevent the gathering of sensitive information. SSLv3 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566) is the reason for the loss of sensitive information IBM server. This can be appropriately mitigated by the IBM web server security versions with default security. Most valuable infrastructure based preventive measures integrated into to the web sphere application server. So the advance versions of the web application can counter the malware and leakage of sensitive information from a server. With regards

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Urban Planning Urban Design

Urban Planning Urban Design Urban Planning Urban Design ABSTRACT The effect of over exploitation of nature resources by human and also lack of awareness of good planning and design in the cities causes many problems to many cities in the world. That is why it was crucial to have good planning system in the city and also to put the planning into practice with the design of the city itself. Urban planning is a mixture of planning in physical (like roads, maps and land use plan) but also it is dealing with nonphysical planning like regulation, policies in the city or regional levels. Furthermore urban designs are more focusing on the art of making places; this includes the way places work and matters such as community safety. The integration between these two fields is that urban planners are more focusing on the function of the city as a whole, and the urban designers will try to interpret it in the design of the city. One of the main elements in urban planning and urban design is green open space. The latter is the region or ground surface area which is dominated by plants that are promoted to a particular habitat protection functions. Green open space has many various functions which vary from social, economical and environmental aspects. One of the better ways to improve the green open space and conserve it is by implementing smart growth. The latter is one of the researches that have been conducted in USA to approach a sustainable development in America. These researches have produced ten principles of successful community from every part of the world. The principles in smart growth are considered to be good examples to be also implemented in other countries. Furthermore, the use of the smart growth principles needs to localize these principles regarding to the country condition, culture and legislation. In general, the understanding of the characteristics of different types of open spaces in an urban and rural matrix may guide authorities (local and country) in the long term planning process. The assessment of change in green open space system is equally important to take measures in maintaining livable countries and cities. Also planning and designing for a green open space are very important in promoting the development of any country. URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN (Green open space) Since the existence of humankind, planning was among the main issues to deal with; this is so because planning helps him to organize his activities and to predict his future. It is on the basis of this that cities have also been put into account in planning. However, as the human society is growing up, this development is bringing some problems to our earth since there is over exploitation of the world resources. Due to this over exploitation of the earth, natural resources; and other mal- human activities (socio-economic), such as pollution and waste problems, lose of natures conservation, biodiversity, ecology and green coupled with the emergence and dangers of climate change, global warming and its negative implications on living quality in recent times and in future to the whole world, there is a growing interest in sustainability, sustainable development and its incorporation into plans of all sorts. Despite this issues of global warming, researches have shown that green open space can be one of the solutions of that problem. Green open space has effect on microclimates. Trees and planting can result in the reduction of peak summer temperatures by up to 5 ° Celsius. Thus, trees can be included in the Citys street scene designs wherever possible, to provide shade and cooling and consequently reduce global warming (City of London, 2009). Basing on the above said, we found important to discuss about urban design and urban planning: Green Open Space. CONNECTION BETWEEN URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN According to Peter Hall, 2002, the verb ‘to plan and the noun ‘planning and planner, have in fact only the second general group of meanings: they do refer to the art of drawing up a physical plan or design on paper. They can mean either ‘either ‘to arrange the parts of or ‘to realize the achievement of ‘or more vaguely, to ‘intend. The most common meaning of planning involves both the first two of these elements; planning is concerned with deliberately achieving some objectives and it proceeds by assembling actions into some orderly sequence. It is on the basis of this that Gallion and Eisner, 1993, defined urban planning as an attempt to create an orderly development in urban areas and reduce social conflicts and economic conditions that would endanger the lives and property. On the other hand, urban design is about how to recapture certain of the qualities (qualities which we experience as well as those we see) that we associate with the traditional city: a sense of order, place, and continuity, richness of experience, completeness and belonging. Urban design lies somewhere between the broad-brush abstractions of planning and the concrete specifics of architecture. (Cowan, 1997). As we can see it through the definitions, there are some similarities and differences between these two subjects. Though, the above definition can be summarized as follows (see the table below): From this table, urban planning has a role to make sure that a city is working and functioning well that is why urban and regional planning is focusing on various issues such as economical, social and environmental issues while, urban design is more focusing on aesthetical values like sense of place, building character, pedestrian design and design of public space. Furthermore, sometimes urban planners can become very micro like urban designers. They can make some designs of the cities which is the main task of urban designers. In revenge urban designers can make plans for policies and guidelines. Because urban planning and urban design are very wide, we found important to discuss about green open space as a focus point. GREEN OPEN SPACE Green Open Space is the region or ground surface area which is dominated by plants that are promoted to a particular habitat protection functions, and / or facilities neighborhood / city, and / or network security infrastructure, and / or agricultural cultivation. (Directorate General of Spatial Planning, Indonesia Ministry of Public Works, 2007). Nowadays, the concept open space in complex matrix is not limited only to the urban park and preserves but also non park-non natural-places. Public spaces such as streets, school yards, outdoor sport complexes, cemeteries, and public squares are important green open spaces (Hall, 1998). Why plan and design for green open space? The process of getting everyone together to think about community needs is worthwhile endeavor in itself. An urban open space plan is much more than a land acquisition plan. It can make a wide variety of recommendations about the future of a country. So, we have to plan for a green open space because:  · A green open space plan is the flip side of a development plan. After identifying important green open spaces, it will be much more apparent where development should occur.  · It recommends land use regulations that will help to protect the community from uneconomic and inefficient sprawl. (Department of Environmental Conservation , California, 2004) It is for this reason that it is essential for urban planners to determine the function of green open space in order to increase its value (such as water conservation, wetland area, city lungs). When you talk about why plan and design for green open space, it is essential to look at the size and levels of green open space. Green Open Space (size and level) It exists two types of green open space: rural open space and urban open space. Rural open space is made of habitat, recreation, health/ safety (flooding/seismic), agriculture/ rangelands, river and stream parkways while urban open space is constituted by recreation, trails and parkways, stream and canal corridors, natural resources and public space (Department of Environmental Conservation, California, 2004). However, it is too difficult to determine an international size of green open space by different levels because every country has its policies, own physical characteristics and culture but we have an example from United Kingdom which can be a best practice. The United Kingdom Accessible Natural Green Space Standard (ANGS) mentioned that:  · No person should live more than 300 m from their nearest area of natural green space of at least two (2) hectares in size;  · There is provision of at least two (2) hectares of Local Nature Reserve per 1,000 population;  · That there should be at least one accessible 20 ha site within two (2) km from home  · That there should be one accessible 100 ha site within five (5) km;  · That there should be one accessible 500 ha site within (10) km. We can not only discuss about the size and levels of green open space in urban planning and urban design, we need also to recognize the functions of green open space because the latter are always planned for certain purposes. Function of Green open space Green open spaces are vital part of landscapes with its own specific set of function. Open spaces (natural or manmade) contribute to the quality of life in many ways (Burke and Ewan, 1999). Beside important environmental benefits (such as improvement of the quality of air, soil and water, decrease of noise levels, reduction of thermal amplitude variations, protection against the winds, waste Management, improvement of the infiltration and drainage of storm water, reduction of flood risks), these areas provide social psychological services (such as Recreation and Leisure, Increasing physical and Psychological well-being, Sociability) which are critical for the livability of the city and well being of urbanites (Chiesura, 2004). Thompson (2002) sees green open space as places to celebrate cultural diversity, to engage with natural processes and to conserve memories. Green open space has also economic function: it promotes the image of the city, increase the selling point. It contribute s ecologically because it diminishes the process of erosion and promotes biodiversity. These above functions can be combined each other. For example in Houten, we saw that green open space is combined with wet land area. The functions of green open space are water conservation and recreation. Also, green areas are used to encourage people to cycling. This is done by planning green open space along the bicycle pathways. Here, green space has multifunctional purpose like encouraging cycling and enhancing community health. As it is stated above, today, green open space is mainly planned with a purpose of fighting against global warming; this is why we found important to talk about its role in combating against this worldwide issue. THE ROLE OF GREEN OPEN SPACE IN FIGHTING AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE There is a growing consensus that global warming is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. Different researches have shown that greenhouse gases are the first to keep the earth warm, human use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases. By driving cars, using electricity from coal-fired power plants, or heating our homes with oil or natural gas, we release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. Deforestation is another significant source of greenhouse gases, because fewer trees mean less carbon dioxide conversion of oxygen. This is why some scientists say that: â€Å"The bigger are the cities, the more the urban citizen is deprived of contact with the environment, the more he despises or simply ignores the other elements of ecosystem. He becomes more and more hostile and the men look for refuge during more time inside artificial environment† Monteiro, 2001. This author wanted to express that the growing of the city affects the environment because the forest, trees or green in general are replaced by urban infrastructures like houses, streets, public building, etc. This idea is also supported by Sing Chew, 2001 in his book: world ecological degradation. Accumulation, urbanization and deforestation, he said that: â€Å"In all the process of urbanization, depending on the nature and levels of consumption and production, generates ecological degradation when the nature becomes extremely exploitative. It is true that if you build a bigger city you will consume more sources and also you could have big impact to the environment, and if you are not limiting the growth of your cities you will lose a lot of nature area. However, big cities have a lot of advantages and opportunities thus we cannot do away from them because of green open space. Big cities are good for economy so to have big cities is not a problem; it depends upon of how you plan for them. You have to limit the growth of the cities, integrate cities with environment and make sure that people have more contact with environment. And as you know, you cannot achieve this without good planning, this is why it is important to discuss about green open space and planning. GREEN OPEN SPACE AND PLANNING According to Knopf, 1987; Gerlach-Spriggs et al., 1998; Cooper Marcus and Barnes, 1999), for thousands of years, there have been ideas to the effect that human health and welfare are influenced in a positive way by his spending time in natural surroundings wild nature as well as enclosed gardens. It is for that reason that green open space is the main issue to be prioritized in city planning. It can be primarily planned if you consider the green open spaces as your main priority; it means that you emphasize the environmentally friendly concept rather than other issues. For examples: Green Cities and Eco-Village. On the other hand, open space and green must be planned at the same level with other activities. Example if you are planning for a residential area you cannot prioritize green open space but you have to plan for it at the same level with housing. This is very important for sustainability and as we know, sustainability takes into account social, economical and environmental aspects. It also depends on the situation that occurs in that country, for example if the transportation issues like traffic congestion or urbanization are more dominant more than any other issues then the planning will give emphasis more on the transportation issues. Concerning the role of urban and regional planners, they can develop plans for long-and short-term land use and growth and regeneration of green spaces. Planners seek to optimize land for parks and other public facilities related to the green open space. They can help local leaders to lessen social, economic and ecological issues by recommending sites for green space. In order to enhance the awareness and understanding of this, urban planners could use media such as mass media, magazines, online media, radio, news papers, and television as tools of communicating with community and stakeholders, about how the urban planner arranges the space in the same understandings and meanings (Edison, 2009). There should be at least a diversion of responsibilities of all stakeholders in arrangement and using of spaces. In that way we could make a comfortable, safe, productive and sustain living environment (Fauzi, 2009).This work includes forecasting future needs of the population. Planners consi der the public opinions to ensure that these facilities meet the needs of a growing population and development. They can also help to make decisions about resource development and protection of green spaces. The planners can also help to legislate on the environment thus green open space will be well protected and will always be attractive. On the side of finance, they can look at the aspect of taxation, though they can plan for green open space near high class residential areas (taxes can be paid by high level income people). CONCLUSION: Grosso modo, green open space is among the infrastructures that contribute to the smooth development of our world because it has social, economical and environmental functions. Due to the functions and the role green open space plays in the cities, they are fundamental elements, inductors of quality of life. When they get organized in systems like the green structure, their value is potentiated and incremented then contributing more efficiently to the quality of life. It is for that reason that green open space has to be promoted in the whole world. In nowadays, green open space is well thought-out because of its role in fight against the global warming and climate change. That is why it is incorporated in different spatial plans around the world. At this juncture, urban planners are identifying important green open spaces and determine always much more apparent where development should occur. So, land use regulations that will help to protect the community from uneconomic and ineffi cient sprawl will be put in place. This planning is done at different level with various size of green open space (we have to note that this differ from one country to another). After analyzing the importance of green open space, we discovered that smart growth can be a solution for green open space (in planning) because it takes into account the concept of sustainability. (Heberle and Susan M.Opp, 2008) and it is in smart growth that we find the principle of mix land uses which always gives room for green open space (Wheeler, M. and Beatley, T. (2006). Thus, it is suggested to urban planners to think about smart growth when planning for green open space in cities. Here, urban planners are obliged to work with national, regional, and local partners to give the tools and means needed to ascertain and prioritize areas to realize smart green open space. The implementation of locally based, long term green open space plans is a critical element in achieving smart growth. Well-managed open space programs can safeguard the natural green infrastructure of a place, offering opportunities for recreation, preserving important environmental and ecological functions, an d enhancing community quality of life. REFERENCES Burke. and Ewan, J., 1999. Sonoran Preserve Master Plan for the Phoenix Sonoran Desert, City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Department. Chiesura, A., 2004. The Role of Urban Parks for the Sustainable City. Landscape and Urban Planning. 68, pp. 129-138. Cook, E. A., 2000. Ecological Networks in Urban Landscapes. Wageningen University, Wageningen. Cook, E. A., 2002. Landscape structure indices for assessing urban ecological networks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58, pp. 269-280. Cooper Marcus, C. Barnes, M. (Eds.). 1999. Healing gardens: Therapeutic benefits and design recommendations. New York: John Wiley Sons. Cowan, R. (1997) The Connected City, London, Urban Initiatives. Retrieved from:,+R.+(1997)++The+Connected+City+,+London,+Urban+Initiativeshl=nlcd=1#v=onepageq=Cowan%2C%20R.%20(1997)%20%20The%20Connected%20City%20%2C%20London%2C%20Urban%20Initiativesf=fal at 1 December 2009. Eisner, S., A. Gallion, and S. Eisner. (1993). The Urban Pattern. (Sixth Edition). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Retrieved from: bin/works/Show? Iaps_18_2004_138 at 1 December 2009. English Nature,( 2003). Accessible Natural Green Space Standards in Towns and Cities: A Review and Toolkit for their Implementation. External Relations Team English Nature. Northminster House. England Hall, P., 1998. Sociable Cites: The Legacy of Ebenezer Howard, Wiley, Chichester. Hall, 2002. Urban and regional planning. Fourth Edition. Routeledge. New York. Knopf, R.C. 1987. Human behavior, cognition, and affect in the natural environment. In D. Stoklas I. Altman, (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp.783-825). New York: John Wiley. Morris, C. 1971. Writings on the general theory of signs. Approaches to Semiotics 16, 1-486. Lauren C. Heberle and Susan M.Opp, 2008.Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalized World. Ashgate publishing limited. Hampshire. Laboratory of Landscape Planning Department of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Agriculture IPB. 2005 .Workshop Papers Development of Green Open Space System in City. Directorate General of Spatial Planning. Indonesia Ministry of Public Works. Retrieved from: at 1 December 2009. Thompson, C.W., 2002. Urban open space in the 21st century. Landscape and Urban Planning. 60(2), pp. 59-72. Wheeler, M. and Beatley, T. (2006). The sustainable urban development reader, Routledge publications, New York. Internet reference: Bowo, Fauzi. 2009. Spatial Planning Day The Restoration of Green Lines function. The Official Website of Jakarta Province. Consulted at 13 December 2009. City of London (2009). Parks and open spaces. London. Consulted at December 8, 2009. Edison Naiborhu , Bahal . 2009. Important Role of Mass Media towards Spatial Order. Jakarta. Directorate General of Spatial Planning, Indonesia. Consulted at 13 December 2009.

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Brilliant Career at Fuddruckers Restaurant :: Persoanl Narrative Essays

My Brilliant Career at Fuddruckers Restaurant Being called a 'bitch' on the job was becoming more and more an everyday occurrence. After all I did work with four or five guys I liked (males that are rather 'normal' call other males they like the oddest things) and a most unladylike girl who hated me with a severe passion (females that are rather 'unrefined' call people they hate the oddest things.) But today was slightly different. It marked the beginning to the downfall of my employment as Master Burger Flipper at "Fuddruckers"! During the summer I moved away from home. Since I needed money to live I found employment at the only place that would hire unskilled summer work: Fuddruckers Restaurant. Fuddruckers looked like a fun place that I could leave behind at the end of the night and forget about at the end of the summer, as one normally does with summer jobs. But this was not to be. Fuddruckers permanently changed my outlook on several subjects, mainly keeping my mouth shut. First, a description of my co-workers. Ken was the main boss who generally ran the restaurant. Ken was one of those thirty-something guys that still thought he was a senior in high school. He also had the tendency to tell his employees ultra-ultra-sensitive information about his life. Example: in grave detail he one day gave me a rundown of his marriage's apparently rather unfortunate sex life. This was naturally not something I relished being informed of, or -- to be exact -- cared about in any way. His sexual shortcomings were his own problem. My other boss was much the opposite his name was Mr. Metz and if you’ve ever seen the movie Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls he looks exactly like the seemingly evil character Burton Quinn (the one with the raven on his shoulder). He was the owner of the restaurant and was rarely there. When he did make an appearance he neither talked nor showed an interest in many of the employees. But Mr. Metz and Ken did have two things in common. First they never said anything positive to their workers. I worked the entire summer trying my hardest to, as my mother would say, do the job right the first time.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing the Duty of the Physician in Dracula, Frankenstein, and Awake

   Through close analysis of the respective physicians illustrated within Bram Stoker's Dracula, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, and Oliver Sack's Awakenings, one is able to comment upon their respective duties. The duty of the doctor, as portrayed in these texts, can be seen to be highly varied and immensely diverse. Bram Stoker's Dracula deals with the role and duty of the doctor, and with the relationship between them and their patient extensively. Stoker, from a medical family himself (his brothers were doctors), creates a very stereotypical male doctor/female patient scenario with Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing aiding Lucy Westerna and Mina Harper. Of the two physicians however, Seward comes to illustrate the failings of Victorian English society, and is also romantically involved with one of the patients (Lucy Westerna) which confuses and muddles the normal duties one would expect from a doctor to their patient. From these distractions and lack of belief in the supernatural - modern Victorian society dismissed the supernatural - Dr. Van Helsing stands at the forefront of our attention in the battle against Dracula, and demonstrates his duties admirably for all to see. Doctor Abraham Van Helsing is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating characters we encounter within the novel. Aside from his role as "a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day" (Stoker, 121), he is also a gentleman of much compassion and care. At his introduction, Van Helsing is obligated to rush to the Westenra household in Whitby to attend to Lucy Westrena's mysterious illness, as a request from Dr. Seward. Due to the fact that Dr. Seward sucked gangrene poison from Van Helsing's wound ... the extreme case of neglect as illustrated in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein with Victor, to the loyal, courageous Dr. Van Helsing in Bram Stoker's Dracula, to the personally moving battle of Dr Sacks in Awakenings. All offer a different level of duty to their patient(s), despite the fact that all have sworn the same Hippocratic Oath.    Bibliography Hammond, Ray. â€Å"The Scientist as God.† The Modern Frankenstein: Fiction Becomes Fact. Poole: Blandford, 1986. 21-45. Rpt. in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Momanto and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 170. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Sacks, Oliver. Awakenings. London: Picador, 2002. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Broadview Editions, 3rd Edition 2012. Smith, Andrew. Dracula and the Critics. Sheffield: Pavic Publications, 1996. Stoker, Bram. Dracula. London: Penguin, 1998.   

Assimilationism vs. Multiculturalism Essay example -- Assimilationism

Assimilationism vs. Multiculturalism In the words of Thomas Bray, "Should we "assimilate" to one standard, or should we "celebrate" diversity?" This is a popular question in America's classrooms today. America, known as the melting pot, is made up of many different colors, races, religions, and beliefs. American professors, journalists, and authors would like to know if multiculturalism has a positive effect on children in today's classrooms. Whether or not the student's way of life and personal experiences should be discussed in class is a major issue. Maxine Hairston, a Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Texas at Austin, writes of her experience with teaching in a multicultural classroom. Hairston is a strong supporter of children writing on their background, culture, and way of life. She feels that this enhances the classroom's atmosphere. Maxine Hairston writes, "Gradually their truths will change, but so will ours because in such a classroom one continually learns from one's students." Living in a particular way all one's life can cause views and opinions on certain subjects, but when put into a classroom with other students, it decenters one's ideas. Hairston wants the classroom to be designed around the students. She states, "These students bring with them a kaleidoscope of experiences, values, dialects, and cultural backgrounds that we want to respond to positively and productively, using every resource we can to help them adapt to the academic world and become active participants in it." Hairston wa nts students of every race, color, religion, and belief to learn about writing while learning about others. Thomas Bray, a Detroit News Columnist, writes an editorial on the California sch... ...guistics, and is a successful author. Looking at three different perspectives of multiculturalism I see how important it is to welcome new ideas and people into my world. Although, like most things in life there must be a line drawn somewhere. If sharing your personal experiences, ideas, and beliefs makes you uncomfortable then by no means should you be punished for it within a classroom. Every person has a right to learn no matter what their race, religion, gender, or belief. And for that our national meting pot should keep on melting together to form an educated nation. Works Cited Bray, Thomas. "Memorial Day and Multiculturalism." Detroit News 24 May 1998. Hairston, Maxine. "Diversity, Idealogy, and Teaching Writing." College Composition and Communication 43.2 (May 1992): 179-195. Tan, Amy. "Mother Tongue." Three Penny Review. 1990.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Passion Is Both Imprisoning and Liberating

Analyses the emotional changes of Jed and How does he Imprison Joe' One of the major characters in the novel is Jed Parry, one of the main male leads. Jed is a harsh Christian, to put it kindly â€Å"Please leave your message after the beat. And the may the Lord be with you†. After the ballooning Incident, he develops a voracious obsession with Joe Rose, who we know has a wife; Claries. Jed doesn't seem like the violent type, though the power of his obsession Is Itself a kind of violence.He ascribes his love for Joe In his various letters and phone messages, as something dictated by God. He sees himself, as the result of Joey's escape. The tension here is a slight variation of that between Joe and Claries. It revolves around the battle between science and faith. Throughout the novel, Jed expresses his love and views towards Joe very openly and seems Like the character In which he follows his heart instead of his head. From when Joe receives a phone call from Jed, enquiring whe n he shall be meeting with IM, he ends his part of the phone call with; â€Å"l can come to you. He hesitates while saying this and with no surprise Jed replies with † No. Tell me where you are. † The fact that Jed is very versatile and forgiving towards Joe tells us that he is truly in love with him. Jed Is very passionate towards Joe and portrays this deeply; â€Å"I don't know why you've chosen me. All I know is that I love you too now, and that there's a reason for it, a purpose. † Through this he seems to have put Joe in a very awkward moment. From this he feels and knows that Joe has to react in either a way of horror or agreement.Joe feels trapped and very imprisoned even though Jed is only expressing his feelings and trying to understand why Joe doesn't feel the same way. Later on In the novel, Jed starts to (In certain ways) ‘Interrogate' Joe so he starts to understand exactly how he feels; â€Å"look. You don't have to go about it like this. You could save us both so much misery. † This back fires as Joe still doesn't express the truth and his full emotions. Jed continues this ‘act' as he later on says â€Å"What have I done to you?Why are you keeping this up? † Joe has Instigated this and feels manipulated and controlled by him. Parry starts to get very affectionate towards Joe Rose, maybe trying to get through to Joe in a different way. He states; â€Å"Something passed between us, up there on the hill, after he fell, it was pure energy, pure light? † He tries to approach Rose in many ways and I believe this is his final attempt to reach Joe. This quote defines the way in which parry express' love.He believes this is the true meaning of love and how he feels towards Joe. The fact that Joe Rose Is married doesn't even cross Parry's mind even thong en Is very aware AT ten Tact; â€Å"l en only way Is Tort ten tenure AT us to talk. † From this, I think that Parry believes this is all a game; a love triangle in which he believes he van fox but Joe isn't taking it. By the end of chapter seven Joe finally loses his patience, hails a taxi and leave abruptly when Jed mentions dealing with what he sees as the ‘Claries problem'.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Perfume Analysis

FACH2702 Practical Analysis of imposter perfumes Aim: To determine which out of 4 unknown samples are genuine perfumes, and which are imposter/fake perfumes. This will be done by analysing gas chromatography plots, and comparing the components in the samples to that of a known standard perfume. Results: To determine which of the four sample perfumes where imposter and which were real, components present in each perfume were analysed using gas chromatography and compared to the known real perfume sample. The components identified for comparison included vanillin, 3-penten-2-one, diethyl phthalate and cyclopentanaecetic acid.The relative concentration of each of the components in the samples was calculated for comparison. In the control sample, the relative concentration of each of these components were calculated using the area under each of the peaks (appendix 3): The same was done for unknown perfume sample 1 and it was found that while the relative concentrations of each component were close to the control perfume, they were not close enough to conclude that the sample was a real perfume, (however a very good rip off). (appendix 4)After analysing perfume sample 2, we could conclude that this sample was an imposter perfume as there was a significant increase in both 3-pentan-2-one and cyclopentanaecetic acid, to substitute for the loss in diethyl phthalate. (appendix 5). Sample 3 showed relative concentrations of each compound that were very close to the control sample, hence it was classed as a real perfume (appendix 6) It was found that sample 4’s relative concentrations of each component were completely off that of the control perfume, hence it is an imposter perfume. appendix 7) Discussion: There weren’t many areas for errors in this practical that would be attributed to our own human error. The gas chromatographer itself was very repeatable and hence the only error in the computers results would be due to a calibration error. Another error i n this experiment could be linked to the preparation of the samples, some components in the perfumes are very volatile and hence if the cap were left off the perfume, concentrations of those components would decrease, altering the detection during analysis.Conclusion: Using Gas chromatography, the components vanillin, diethyl phthalate, 3-pentan-2-one and cyclopentanaecetic acid were analysed in four samples and their relative concentrations were calculated and compared to a known control perfume sample. From these calculations, it was concluded that samples 1,2 and 4 were imposter perfumes, while sample 3 had very similar relative concentrations of its compounds and was hence classed as a real perfume.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Comparison Essay: in Cold Blood

Comparison Essay: â€Å"In Cold Blood† Film & Book In Cold Blood is a 1967 film directed by Richard Brooks. The film is based on the book by Truman Capote, having the same title as the film. The closeness and accuracy of events between the book and the film are tied closely together. Some of the film was actually shot on location where the fatal Clutter murders took place. While reading the book, the reader learns that Capote uses a form of writing that could be difficult to portray in a film setting.As the storyline in â€Å"In Cold Blood† progresses, Capote shifts scenes to show the Clutter’s in their everyday routine, as well as the killers as they approach their victims. Brooks does an excellent job shifting scenes in the film, but not so much that it becomes confusing to the viewer. Although the book and film are closely related, there are a couple of differences that are quite noticeable and could in fact change a viewer/reader’s opinion of the book and or film.The character descriptions in Capote’s book are much stronger than those of Brooks’. The two sources also have two different endings. The character descriptions by Capote are very strong. Almost the entire first half of the book is dedicated to describing the Clutter family and the two killers. By describing in such depth, Capote allows the reader to form some sort of feeling towards the character. For instance, Herb Clutter was described as a good friend, boss, husband, and father.Capote writes, â€Å"He was, however, the community’s most widely known citizen, prominent both there and in Garden City and his name was everywhere respectfully recognized among Midwestern agriculturists, as it was in certain Washington offices† (6). He not only does this with Mr. Clutter, but he describes every family member in great detail. Nancy Clutter was widely known throughout Holcomb, and was basically the All-American child. As for Mrs. Clutter, her descri ption was rather important.The fact that she was not mentally stable and remained sick most of the time aided in her vulnerability at the time of the murders. The analysis of each character enables the reader to feel for the Clutter family and come to the realization that they were just like any other American family; not criminals, wrong-doers, or anything of the sort. Not only does Capote describe the Clutter family, he takes a lot of time to figure out the criminals behind the murders. Dick Hickcock and Perry Smith are very well analyzed in throughout the novel.Basically their whole life stories and every move they made in order to reach the Clutter’s were documented in Capote’s book. In the film, on the other hand, the viewer sees slightly into the lives of the Clutter family, but the director does not describe each character individually. Without this insight, a viewer who has not read the novel may not feel the same way about the family’s tragedy. Knowing more about them would give the viewer a better understanding of what the family was like, and as to why exactly the killers went through with the awful act.The character descriptions in both the movie and the book are in fact different and cause different reactions to each. Not only are the details different in the film and the book, they actually have different ways of ending. Capote closes his novel with a scene located at a cemetery. This scene differs from the movie in that Brooks ended his work with the hanging of Dick and Perry. This conclusion was probably done for dramatic effect, as are most films. Capote’s ending to the novel was a more emotional approach to concluding the Clutter case.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Barriers of Communication Essay

Everyone has experienced, at one time or another frustration of feeling misunderstood and being unable to make us understood by others. Communication should be simple but is often difficult because people tend to create barriers. Barriers often lead to your message becoming unclear and confusing to others. For communication to become more effective one has to overcoming these barriers to send a clear message. Cultural Differences can be a barrier to communication because of the variations between cultures and the different background, beliefs and opinions of others. Some people may think your being racist because of the way you speak to them and if you argue back to them about their opinions and beliefs, they may get offended. Cultural Differences can also be the way people dress, their religions, interests and the kind of food they may eat. Read more:  Identify different reasons why people communicate  essay Also certain hand gestures in America may have different meaning in other countries which could distort your message. A way to overcome this barrier is to respect other people’s opinions and beliefs and to educate yourself. Foreign languages are also barriers to communicate because you might attempt to speak to someone in English but the other person may speak Spanish. You wouldn’t be able to communicate with them due to the language you speak. A way to overcome this barrier would be attempting to use the other individual’s preferred spoken language to communicate or get an interpreter to help you. One barrier of communication can be the surroundings of which the communication is going to take place. The space of which the communication is being held is very important, as it is vital that all people communicating can see one another’s facial expressions. Since we spend more time hitting the letters on a keypad than actually participating in face-to-face communication it is important to try and overcome this barrier when possible. For example when you’re having a conversation with another via text messaging or emails it is very easy for the message to be misinterpreted because emotions are sometimes hardier to decipher. A lot of communication is based on body language when talking face to face. When we communicate things that we care about, we do so mainly using nonverbal signals. Wordless communication, or body language, includes facial expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture, and the tone of your voice. By texting and emailing this barrier is created and confusion can happen. So, if it is an important conversation or an important message to relay to another person it is best to talk to them face to face. This would lower ones chances of distorting the message or creating more problems because of a distorted message. Identify the barriers that you put up can help you overcome them and communicate better with others. Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences. By learning these effective communication skills, you can better connect with your spouse, kids, friends, and coworkers. References MUSCARELLO, P. (2012). Breaking the Communication Barrier. Business Officer, 46(1), 11-13.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Organizational Change Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Change Project - Essay Example The organization has also undergone transitions from its family based orientation to its current form that is professionally managed. Simmons has also identified a decision-making culture in which decisions are based on the organization’s history. Its culture also involves creativity and innovation, utility optimization and customer satisfaction as core principles. Even though it once deviated from its core objective of manufacturing mattresses, the organization realigned to its original objective. Two years ago, Simmons recruited Eites, a dynamic manager who has proposed a cultural change program to the organization’s environment that has become unfavorable. Effects of recession and the September 11 terror attack besides bankruptcy of three major customers have for example hit the organization. One of the organization’s suppliers also delivered spoilt raw materials, leading to defective product (Edmondson, 2007). Facts in the case identify diversified challenges and problems that require change. Its historic decision making culture that induces rigidity and resistance to change is an example. The organization also faces adverse economic conditions from recession and effects of the terror attack. Resistance to proposed changes and receipt of bad materials are other issues that identify the need for change (Edmondson,

Internet censorship Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet censorship - Term Paper Example Some of the reasons cited for internet censorship include the need to preserve social morals and to the need to safeguard national security. On the other hand, opponents of internet censorship argue that such a move by the government limits the freedom of speech and the access to crucial information thus leading to reduction of the citizens’ welfare (Zuchora-Walske 2). One of the arguments that have been put across for the censorship of the internet is the need to protect the social norms. Proponents of internet censorship argue that unlimited internet access exposes children to pornography and hate speech thus negatively affecting their morals. In addition, the government should censor the access to homosexuality sites and religious sites that try to propagate negative religious doctrines that may affect social cohesion in the society (Russell and Cohn 67). Opponents of this argument assert that parents have the primary responsibility of safeguarding their children from porno graphic sites by implementing internet filtering systems thus government should not censor the internet. They argue that censorship jeopardizes the right to information and right to conversation through the internet (Day 10). Another argument for internet censorship is the protection of national security. ... Google has in the past protested against China’s decision thus leading to removal of the servers. However, Chinese people can still access Google servers using Hong Kong name, but cannot access certain search names especially that deal with online entertainment sites and government information (Russell and Cohn 126). According to the proponents of internet censorship, the suppression of some internet information usually upholds the social values in the society. In fact, some countries have implemented different censorship strategies in order to uphold the existing values and traditions of the citizen. This type of censorship upholds the moral of the society. For instance, Asian countries such as China have blocked internet sites that promote homosexuality and internet gambling. According to this argument, it is the responsibility of the government to protect the moral fabric of the society such as the family values, the gender roles and cohesion through preventing access to in formation that is contrary with the morals of the society. In addition, censorship will protect the population from sexism, segregation and racism that is usually exposed to children and citizens in the social websites. A further related argument of internet censorship is a need to ensure religious tolerance through preventing the furtherance of negative religious doctrines that may expose the country to religious based violence. In addition, censorship ensures that customs and taboos of the society are preserved. The dress code, sexual expression and religious beliefs are preserved through censuring the internet. However, critics argue that social values, taboos, dress code and religious beliefs change with changes in the society.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Teaching for Social Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Teaching for Social Justice - Essay Example History has been the mute witness to countless killings and wars waged on account of superficial differences. The principle of equality has been espoused the world over as an essential quality needed for fruitful coexistence and mutual benefit. Though no two individuals are "equal", on a set of any given parameters, as a principle, however, one has to respect and interact with the other on an equal footing. But this is always not the case because of many forms of discrimination prevalent in society to sanctify which efforts were launched to assign it a scientific basis. The shameful history of scientific racism in the 20th century is well known wherein fashionable genetic theories were quickly reflected in public policies, from compulsory sterilization in the US to Nazi death camps in Germany. Later, the notion of race was found to be a myth far removed from biological fact. Modern molecular genetics has established that genetic profiles cannot divide humanity into any definitive types. There arent any genetic markers for race or ethnicity. In fact intermingling of genes is a characteristic feature of the human species that has resulted due to years and years of travelling, trading, migration, pilgrimage, invasion and conquest. The nurture and active proliferation of inequality in varied forms and in many cultures can be related to or is a result of the arrogance of power. The subjugation of vast masses and the control it affords to those holding the reins of power, to write the destiny of hapless individuals, is a heady mix. It intoxicates the powerful with furthering their economic interests giving them a reason to stereotype the subjugated and the weak with irrational lies. 'They' are not capable; are unintelligent; carry many cultural disadvantages; do not fit the 'mould'; are below the par; less than average; these are some of the remarks hurled around to describe people from disadvantaged backgrounds, who live in utter poverty and neither have education nor 'hope' forcing them to accept their lot as something preordained or deserving of such pitiful condition.  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Marketing Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Marketing Degree - Essay Example Marketing revolves around the entire business. The marketing penetrates in all areas of the business. All the business activities from purchases t till display all revolves around marketing. Marketing as a philosophy revolves around customer satisfaction and it do not focus on earning the profits. It can be done for social welfare. It can be done for customer orientation. The philosophy is to meet and satisfy the desires of the customers. However the marketing as a set of business activities is totally different concept. It basic aim is to earn profit. Though the marketing manager in any enterprise focus on customer's needs and desires but their aim is to earn profit and they were not doing marketing for social or charitable purpose. So marketing is also a philosophy to satisfy the customer's desires simultaneously it is a set of business activities to earn profit. And in this way both these terms are related to each other. In this ever changing and fast moving business world, the socially conscious customers are now become a challenge for the business enterprenurers. The social awareness of the consumer brings many opportunities and threats for the enterprises. ... They have to look for the brands which are on top, commodities which are in fashion and which gives them a nice and trendy look. No matter the consumer is buying clothes or accessories or house hold items. Except groceries and necessities the consumer is going trend conscious. This brings lots of new opportunities for the entrepreneurs. Now they focus more on producing trendy and in fashion products for the consumers. For this they have to work aggressively on their markets strategies. Further more the managers has to work hard to market their products as now the consumer focus on every little detail the company is offering in its product. The consumer looks at the design, availability, price, trends of the products. However it opens the doors for service industry as many people are offering their service to literate people about the trends in the market. This business is boosting up rapidly. In short, the socially conscious consumers is aware of his social values and now focus more on it while purchasing any product which brings many opportunities and threats for many businesses. 3. What are the differences between organizational buying behaviour and consumer buying behaviour (Jobber & Fahy, Ch. 3, P. 76, Study question 1) The consumer buying behavior is relatively a narrow terms. It describes the buying behavior of any consumer. In buying any product or service, the consumer prefers his need and choice. The quantity is small and can be purchased from any shop. However organization buying behavior is broader term. It focuses upon the need of the organization. It evolves a deep and thorough analysis of the product or service needs to be purchased. Organization purchases include high complex

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Native Americans' music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Native Americans' music - Essay Example The song text in Native American music is inclusive of both public and secret pieces. The secret song pieces have been used for sacred purposes and ceremonies alone and have been claimed to be both ancient and unchanging. There are public sacred songs and ritual speeches which are looked upon as being musical because of the way in which they use rhythm and melody, and the ritual speeches are often in direct description of the events of a ceremony and the reasons for and the ramifications of a certain ritual or a celebration. The native music of Washington state also includes the legacy of Native American Flute Music that held high significance in the long and rich tradition of their music. It has achieves some measure of fame for its distinctive sound and the music as such was used in assistance of courtship, healing, meditation, and spiritual rituals. The Native American flute is the only flute in the world constructed with two air chambers - there is a wall inside the flute between the top (slow) air chamber and the bottom chamber which has the whistle and finger holes. The top chamber also serves as a secondary resonator, which gives the flute its distinctive sound. There is a hole at the bottom of the "slow" air chamber and a (generally) square hole at the top of the playing chamber. A block (or "bird") with a spacer is tied on top of the flute to form a thin, flat airstream for the whistle hole (or "window"). Some more modern flutes use an undercut either in the block or the flute to eliminate the need for a spacer.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 42

Discussion - Essay Example This is evident with regimes or political parties whose organizational structure utilizes racial bases (Abdul 428). Mostly, the segregated category or race assumes the low class whereas the thriving one emphasizes on using the discriminating policies to maintain its class (Abdul 427). Unequal wealth distribution is a matter of concern especially to the society or state where it requires effective and timely rectification. This is because in many occasions, it yields to wrangles or wars especially if it entails diverse geographical and political blocs. Unequal distribution of wealth usually leads to uneven development especially in a state where the most favored people or region due to political influence, continues to thrive compared to others. Hence, indirectly this usually makes the state’s economy lag behind despite the most benefiting people belonging to the top class or the favored region (Abdul 427). It also leads to increased state of poverty where the affected people are unable to stabilize economically. This is because the already set policies usually act as a barrier between them and their destinies (Abdul 427). Therefore, I believe the implementation of policies by regimes or any authority to ensure unequal wealth distribution is unethical. Besides, it leads to more economic predicaments even to the favored categories, though indirectly. Abdul Aziz, et al. "Problem Of Unequal Distribution Of Wealth And Role Of Infaq (Donation) In Its Solution." Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 3.2 (2011): 426-429. Web. 27Th October

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 37

Marketing - Essay Example The service encounter at the bank was extensively unsatisfactory and below expectations. I have a savings account with the bank and which was opened recently. From the inception, I mentioned that I needed an ATM card that is rather a guarantee and a chequebook to help in transactions of huge amounts of money. The bank sent the ATM card and the Pin for two weeks while the chequebook was not released. When the customer care was contacted, they kept on admitting the mistake yet could not take any appropriate action to resolve the matter. The delay in receiving the check prompted a visit to my branch, and the response was one that was not characteristic of a good customer care service. The branch asked me to write an application formally to request for the chequebook, a process I felt was a fundamental breach of good service delivery. After the application, the bank gave a surety that the cheque book would be sent after seven days and one month has passed and the product has not yet been delivered. The bank has no respect for its customers and does not take into consideration the concerns and predicaments of its customers. Consequently, the bank has proven to be clueless concerning the needs of its customers. It is incumbent upon banks to identify and predict the things that customers are most likely to recur. Even after physically going to the branch, the bank failed to listen to my predicaments hence the disenfranchisement. The bank has the poorest services and treats its customers with contempt. Banks should understand that individuals have other obligations and duties that are bound to attend to on a daily basis. It is their responsibility to simplify service delivery to make it relatively easy for customers to access services. Going to the bank every time to withdraw huge amounts of cash has a number of disadvantages; for instance, having huge sums of money at a given point is dangerous due to security purposes. It is easy for

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Balance in the Administration of Justice Security Paper Essay

Balance in the Administration of Justice Security Paper - Essay Example This usually holds true too in other nations. They have their own ways of educating and updating their citizens of the current plans and implements. This is for the purpose of ensuring that the government is functioning for the service of the people, to uphold their rights and secure their territories. There are certain sectors that are very particular with the repercussions in the legal system of the goals aimed for. In the piece, Communications Privacy in the Digital Age (1997), a number of legal issues confronted by people in general are laid out. First of these issues is the fact of making 'Wiretapping' permissible to be used in dealing with certain crimes. Formerly, 'wiretapping' was allowed only for serious crimes that threaten the national security. Today, the list included crimes such as fraudulent statements in documents and applications as well the causing of destruction in any property owned by the State. Another point highlighted in the articles is the need to make more productive results in proposed actions. There are illegal practices that contravene the purpose of justice and security. The item also mentioned the authorizations provided by courts in proceeding with 'electronic surveillance' and the reaction to such through suggesting other methods to be used to acqu ire data. Most of the time also, the parties concerned contest the method of obtaining data quite too late and they barely survive to win in the proceedings ("Communications Privacy in the Digital Age", 1997). The court of "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act" or FISA already demonstrated that in its seventeen years of existence, there was never an instance that it denied a request for a "government electronic surveillance." In 1996 alone, there were about 839 orders given out and the statistics increases by twenty percent every year since then ("Communications Privacy in the Digital Age", 1997). Basically, what this piece emphasizes are the various implications to the legal and governmental system of the rules and procedures implemented just to respond to the needs of justice and security. This has been the cause of alarm for many people because the developments and advancements in technology can be abused and taken advantage of by those who have access to such. Changes in Technology and Mass Communication due to Justice and Security Reasons At this point, it is worthy to note that the piece, Communications Privacy in the Digital Age (1997), do indicate some key points of the improvement. These areas of development include 'Communications Methods,' 'Expansion,' 'Location Information and Monitoring,' 'Modifications in Wireless Service,' 'Internet Advancements,' and 'Computer Analysis.' These shall be discussed in detail below. However, at this point, the one concept discussed in the article to keep in mind is the so-called 'double-edged sword.' At one side, there is the governmental mechanism that takes opportune of the endless possibilities offered by technology. On the other side, the public fears such possibilities because of the tendency for the power to corrupt and for authority to abuse. Thus, it is imperative to be aware and cautious of the various marks of development adopted and implemented ("Communications

Panopticism he states that the development of discipline Essay Example for Free

Panopticism he states that the development of discipline Essay In Michel Foucaults (1975) excerpt, Panopticism he states that the development of discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries came from he emergence of prison as the form of punishment for every crime. During these times the major crimes committed were from the French Revolution and the major riots and civil unrest in the French society. In these prisons the Panopticon puts the inmates in a different state in which each one is there own separate individual. Foucault states that the major effect of these Panopticon are that they â€Å"induce the inmate in a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. † †Such a structure allows individuals to be seen and restricts their ability to communicate with the security, the warden, or other prisoners. In this case, crowds are nonexistent and each person is confined to their cell where they can be viewed by the watcher. He states that this new form of punishment lead to the development of a whole new kind of individuality for bodies. The brilliance of this prison is that the Panopticon forces blindness onto the prisoner where he or she is never sure if someone’s watching or not, inducing a harmless form of paranoia, keeping people in place. When a person is accused of a crime, society finds upon itself the responsibility of punishing him or her. The question of morality, however, is finding the perfect punishment in compensation of the crime that was committed. With the Panopticon, rather than breaking them down physically by using tortures like the thumbscrew or whips, prisoners can be broken down mentally, which allows the reconstruction of their mentality. This entire theory is effective due to the natural desire that people in general have to conform to society’s pressures. After all, it is ingrained in the natural being of humans to know that in order to survive, everyone needs a place in society whether it is as the businessman or as a joker. The fear of complete abandonment from this institution allows the system to work properly. Next, the Panopticon is essential to society in its ability to give a prisoner the chance of redeeming himself or herself to become a crucial part of society again. Instead of seeing revenge on the prisoners, this system allows them to be reformed through a force of habit. As prisoners get used to the idea that they’re being watched at all times with or without their knowledge, they adjust their behavior to meet society’s standards and norms. Thus, with a strong sense of paranoia, once the prisoner comes out of the Panopticon, he or she will rethink any decisions of breaking the rules. Once the person goes through that phase of the Panopticon imprisonment, he or she is set for a regular life in the real world with human interaction. In addition, with the Panopticon, power isn’t centralized in the hands of the warden or prison guards. The mere concept of being spied on causes others to display normal behavior, one that they want to portray to society. The real punishment that the prisoner goes through is one within his or her own mind where due to paranoia, the person shapes up to meet the rules of society in what is right rather than wrong. In this case, no one has power over another and even the amount of guards can be lessened; the prisoner is unable to tell the difference as to who is watching or how many people are watching. Power isn’t given to people but is within the architecture of the Panopticon. There will be no more vicious beatings of prisoners and no more degradation of them. In the end, they’re like everyone else, another everyday person in today’s world. Panopticism creates self-discipline forced into play through one’s own mentality of paranoia and fear, allowing criminals to be broken down mentally instead of physically, to redeem themselves as a part of society again, and to allow power to not be centralized in the hands of the warden or prison guards. It’s not only an effective system but it’s also efficient in the way that those separated from society may still have the ability to blend back in after undergoing this type of imprisonment. As a result, the concept of a Panopticon would certainly be better than the status quo where punishment is used and people are locked away behind bars without given a chance to prove that they’re reformed. Any cruel and unusual punishments that may occur are abolished and finally, for those who have made a mistake or two, redemption is finally possible.