Sunday, December 29, 2019

Development Of Media And Communications Study - 1481 Words

In this essay I shall analyze the development of media and communications study and the themes that have helped it to improve during the last century. A persistent concept in this field is equality because theories like Marxism, Cultural Studies, Feminism, Structuralism and Post-structuralism, Subcultural Theory and Postmodernism examined this notion and gave it a meaning in that period of time. Against this background, a central question that motives this paper is: ‘How is equality developed by each ideology and how media manipulate it through the popular culture?’ By definition, equality means that all people have their own opportunity to express themselves because we conceive the world differently. But we still create ourselves in†¦show more content†¦Marxism is a political, economical and social system founded by Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) and Frederick Engels (1820 – 1895) who tried to reorganize the world through their revolutionary ideologies and theo ries. Thus its intention is to dismiss the evolution of the Bourgeoisie society, because, in the 18th century, one of the essential concepts was the notion of class struggle. As John Storey points out, ‘each significant period in history is constructed around a particular mode of production; that is, the way in which a society is organized’ (2006: 47) . This quote suggests that Marx, through the analyze of global production, asserts that people have to live and work in equal conditions, without differences between the class of wage-earners and the ruling class. Even if it is said that the Marxism is out-of-date, it still exists, nowadays, because of the media factors that sustain its manifestations. For instance, mass media promotes obscenity and presents degeneration as a normal subject. What we usually have in mind when we talk about Cultural Studies is the fact that it is like an amalgam composed by traditions, arts, values, thoughts, faith, which is transmitted from generations to generations. Theorists as Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and also the Centre for Contemporany Cultural Studies brought a new vision on culture. â€Å"Lived culture is culture as

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